Assoc. Dr. Kahraman Coşansu
Preoperative Cardiac Assesment

Preoperative Cardiac Assesment

Surgeries are commonly used methods in the treatment of diseases that require serious medical intervention or surgical procedures. However, prior to any surgery, the patient's overall health status, particularly their cardiac health, should be carefully assessed. The heart is one of the most vital organs in the body, and it is important for it to be resilient against the stress and complications that may arise during surgery. Therefore, preoperative cardiac assesment is an essential step in ensuring the control of patients' cardiac health and the safe execution of the surgery.

What is Preoperative Cardiac Assesment?

Preoperative cardiac assesment is a process that involves assessing the patient's cardiac health before a surgical procedure. This assesment is a comprehensive examination conducted to understand the patient's overall health condition, determine the surgical risk, and predict potential complications.

How Should Preoperative Preparation Be Conducted?

Preoperative cardiac assesment is crucial for the patient's safe entry into surgery and the reduction of complication risks. This preparation process typically includes the following steps:

  • Assesment of the patient's medical history and current medications
  • Physical examination and laboratory tests
  • Application of cardiac assesment tests such as electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography (ECHO), or stress test if necessary
  • Recommendation of lifestyle changes, such as cessation of smoking, alcohol consumption, or use of specific medications before surgery

Your doctor will provide detailed instructions regarding the necessary preparations. It is important to comply with your doctor's recommendations.

What Does Preoperative Cardiac Assesment Examine?

During preoperative cardiac assessment, the following factors are generally taken into consideration:

  • Medical history and symptoms: Information regarding the patient's current health status, past illnesses, heart problems, and family history of heart disease is considered.
  • Physical examination: Physical indicators such as heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, general body condition, and joint mobility are evaluated.
  • Laboratory tests: Values such as blood tests, kidney function, clotting ability, and electrolyte levels are checked.
  • Electrocardiography (ECG): Provides information about heart rhythm, heart rate, and possible electrical abnormalities.
  • Echocardiography (ECHO): Provides detailed imaging of heart structure, muscle function, and valve problems.
  • Stress test (Effort test): Evaluates how the heart responds during exercise.

The Importance of Preoperative Cardiac Assesment

Preoperative cardiac assesment holds vital importance in predicting and managing complications that may arise during and after surgical procedures. This assesment is conducted for the following purposes:

  • Determining the surgical risk and taking necessary precautions for patients with heart disease.
  • Developing appropriate treatment plans for patients with preexisting cardiac conditions prior to surgery.
  • Identifying potential heart problems and complications in advance to manage the postoperative recovery process.
  • Reviewing the use of medications that may have an impact on the cardiovascular system and selecting anesthesia accordingly.
  • Implementing necessary treatments to optimize cardiac functions.

Preoperative Cardiac and Vascular System Assessment

The assesment of the preoperative cardiac and vascular system is crucial for determining the patient's suitability for surgery and assessing the surgical risk. This assesment is typically performed by a cardiologist and involves various tests.

Some commonly used tests include:

The results of these tests are used to perform a risk assessment before the surgery. If any issues related to the heart and vascular system are identified, doctors can determine appropriate treatment plans and assess the patient's suitability for surgery. Preoperative assesment is essential for ensuring patient safety and achieving successful surgical outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

    The timing of preoperative blood tests can vary depending on factors such as the patient's overall health condition, the type of planned surgical procedure, and the urgency of the surgery. Generally, blood tests are conducted a few days or longer before the surgery. However, in some cases, blood tests may be performed in a shorter timeframe due to the urgency of the surgery.

    During preoperative cardiac assesment, tests are performed to assess the patient's overall health condition and surgical risk. These tests include:
  • Blood tests
  • Electrocardiography (ECG)
  • Echocardiography (ECHO)
  • Chest X-ray
  • Respiratory function tests

    Postponing surgery may be necessary for the patient's health and safety under certain circumstances. Some common reasons for postponing surgery include:
  • Acute infection: An active infection in the body can increase the risk of surgery.
  • Active heart problem: Uncontrolled or severe heart problems (e.g., heart attack) may require postponing the surgery.
  • Bleeding disorders: Blood clotting problems or a low platelet count can result in significant bleeding during surgery.
  • Respiratory issues: Surgery may be postponed, especially in cases where respiratory functions are severely affected.
  • General health condition: The patient's overall health condition can affect the safe execution of the surgery. For example, conditions such as diabetes, hypertension,or severe obesity may necessitate postponing the surgery.
  • Patient readiness: Necessary preparations must be completed before surgery. For instance, failure to comply with fasting requirements or incomplete diagnostic tests can lead to postponement.
  • Priority situations: Urgent medical conditions, vital organ failures, or other life-threatening emergencies can lead to the postponement of a planned surgery.

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